The pink quartz is the stone of universal love and has dynamic intensity and healing power. It is a stone of gentle warmth and love and heals emotional wounds and pain. It opens the heart to the beauty within and around us. It enhances all forms of love: self love, motherly love, platonic and romantic love. It open our hearts and encourages us to be kind, tender, and gentle. It is also the stone of love in marriage. The pink quartz brings inner peace and helps in all matters pertaining to love in all its forms because it opens the heart to love. It teaches you to forgive. It is also known to help depression, blood circulation, strengthening the heart, sexual problems, and encourages fertility. It will also keep you looking young and wrinkle free. It is also the Taurus and Libra stone.
Most of the pink quartz jewelry can be found at or just click on each picture below to be directly linked to our Etsy shop!