Since the coronavirus pandemic started in 2020 I developed a new hobby to learn about growing plants! Before Covid I started with only 3 plants and now I have 60 unique plants! I love creating an urban jungle environment in my home with plants as it elevates my mood and relaxes me. I've been learning about plant care and propagation online, on YouTube and by visiting local nurseries. Above are pictures of some of my plants and local plant shops I have visited in Los Angeles. On my spare time I like to shine the leaves of my plants, prune them, water them, repot them if they are too big, stare at their beautiful leaves, and visit local nurseries. I also love to paint my favorite plants too for fun, above are all my planty doodles! My favorite plant in my collection is the albo monstera borsigiana. I love the variegation huge beautiful leaves of my albo monstera that I got from PlantMadness in CA, they have healthy beautiful albo monsteras that are locally grown and shipped with care. I designed my own Baby Yoda Monstera Albo T-shirt for plant lovers out there who love Grogu. Baby yoda is oh so cute using the force to make the monstera plant grow! The albo monstera is my favorite plant in my collection. It comes in men's and women's sizes and is made of a soft ring cotton fabric and you can order one here. You can buy my poster prints of my planty paintings here. Thanks for reading!
November 2023